My Dad just showed me this old picture. My kindi teach by all accounts had to censor what i said and instead wrote "My Dad doing the shovelling because of Kaiser." Which roughly translated in 3-4 year old speak is "My Dad going nuts because he has had to get the shovel and clean up my dogs shit." By all accounts everyone involved had a pretty good laugh about it. As you can clearly see my Dad's mouth is wide open from yelling, probably after having stepped in Kaisers business. The brown lines are Dad's mo.

Kaiser was a Weimaraner, he had to be put down when i was 11 and he was about 15 or 16 from memory. He had bad athritis, he was a cross with a Labrador, he had the fur but looked like a Weimaraner. Best dog ever, i would have posted an actual picture but my Mum couldn't be stuffed finding one as she would have to pull a million things out (you know what its like pulling out old photo's you start reminising) but this one i found brought back plenty of good memories about my dog.

I also thought in keeping in theme i would not post an actual picture of my Dad. When i was a kid i would get to hang out with the older girls at primary school because they thought my Dad was famous. Believe it or not he was an actual splitting image of Ed Rooney from Ferris Buellers Day Off. Dad went to the states for work in the late 80's not long after the film was released, he went into a burger joint and by all accounts everyone stopped in their tracks believing it was him.
Whats funnier is that the actor that played Ed Rooney has been in hot water over Child Porn. He entered no contest and now that the kid who is an adult is being sued. Dad rekoned he was being set up because its very new black to claim someone is a rock spider.
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